The pool is currently closed.
Please note our updated pool rules below.
Keys are available based upon the status of your home owner’s association dues. Dues must be paid in full to gain access. No exceptions. This is one of the biggest enforcement tools we have short of legal action to maintain dues compliance. Pool keys will only be available in May.
After the pool opens, if your dues are current, you may obtain your pool key by contacting Zach Lay – (918) 855-8325.
To report any problems with the pool please contact: Chris or Amy Cruz – (918) 497-8998, or email them here.
Pool Rules:
2023 Rules for renting the pool
Woodcreek Villas Pool Rules Addendum
**The pool is available to be rented for private parties on Monday nights from 6:00-8:00 for $150- please contact Amy Cruz if interested